The von Neumann architecture is a computer design model that uses a processing unit and a single separate storage structure to hold both instructions and data. It is named after mathematician and early computer scientist John von Neumann. Such a computer implements a universal Turing machine, and the common "referential model" of specifying sequential architectures, in contrast with parallel architectures. The term "stored-program computer" is generally used to mean a computer of this design, although as modern computers are usually of this type, the term has fallen into disuse.
The earliest computing machines had fixed programs. Some very simple computers still use this design, either for simplicity or training purposes. For example, a desk calculator (in principle) is a fixed program computer. It can do basic mathematics, but it cannot be used as a word processor or to run video games. To change the program of such a machine, you have to re-wire, re-structure, or even re-design the machine. Indeed, the earliest computers were not so much "programmed" as they were "designed". "Reprogramming", when it was possible at all, was a very manual process, starting with flow charts and paper notes, followed by detailed engineering designs, and then the often-arduous process of implementing the physical changes.
The idea of the stored-program computer changed all that. By creating an instruction set architecture and detailing the computation as a series of instructions (the program), the machine becomes much more flexible. By treating those instructions in the same way as data, a stored-program machine can easily change the program, and can do so under program control.
The terms "von Neumann architecture" and "stored-program computer" are generally used interchangeably, and that usage is followed in this article. However, the Harvard architecture concept should be mentioned as a design which stores the program in an easily modifiable form, but not using the same storage as for general data.
A stored-program design also lets programs modify themselves while running. One early motivation for such a facility was the need for a program to increment or otherwise modify the address portion of instructions, which had to be done manually in early designs. This became less important when index registers and indirect addressing became customary features of machine architecture. Self-modifying code is deprecated today since it is hard to understand and debug, and modern processor pipelining and caching schemes make it inefficient.
On a large scale, the ability to treat instructions as data is what makes assemblers, compilers and other automated programming tools possible. One can "write programs which write programs".[1] On a smaller scale, I/O-intensive machine instructions such as the BITBLT primitive used to modify images on a bitmap display, were once thought to be impossible to implement without custom hardware. It was shown later that these instructions could be implemented efficiently by "on the fly compilation" technology, e.g. code-generating programs.
There are drawbacks to the von Neumann design. Aside from the von Neumann bottleneck described below, program modifications can be quite harmful, either by accident or design. In some simple stored-program computer designs, a malfunctioning program can damage itself, other programs, or the operating system, possibly leading to a crash. A buffer overflow is one very common example of such a malfunction. The ability for programs to create and modify other programs is also frequently exploited by malware. Malware might use a buffer overflow to smash the call stack and overwrite the existing program, and then proceed to modify other program files on the system to propagate the compromise. Memory protection and other forms of access control can help protect against both accidental and malicious program modification.
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